Planning Teams
Core Design Team
This oversight body guides and directs the development of the Vision 2030 planning process, including the design of the engagement sessions and review of the documents resulting from the stakeholder feedback dialogues. The Core Design Team will also oversee and orchestrate the creation and distribution of the Strategic Transformation Plan.
Co-chair: India Pierce Lee, Chief Strategy Officer
Co-chair: Gregory Stoup, Vice President of Institutional Progress and Effectiveness
Jason Abbott
Executive Director, Workforce Operations
Radiah Blanton, Ed.D.
Chief of Staff, Executive Assistant to the President
Andrew Cox, Ph.D.
Executive Director, Partnerships and Community Engagement
Lindsay English, Ph.D.
Associate Provost, Academic Success
Eric Gordon
Senior Vice President, Student Development and Education Pipeline
Todd Kitchen, Ed.D.
Eastern Campus President
Bridget Kriner, Ph.D.
Professor, English
Karen Miller, Ph.D.
Executive Vice President, Provost, Access, Learning and Success
Heidi Nicholas
AVP, Recruitment, Retention and Enrollment
Beverly Owens-Jackson
Records Specialist II, Registrar, SEIU
Standish Stewart
Vice President, Chief Information Officer, Information Technology Systems
Erin Susick
Faculty Senate
Emily Tidball
Director, Grants Management, Access, Learning and Success Projects
Leanne van Beers-Werneke
Marketing and Communications
Stefanie Wims
Mandel Scholar Student
Nick York
Workforce Innovation Board of Visitors
Strategic Planning Team
This larger planning body, composed of the Core Design Team members and other College stakeholders, helps interpret and disseminate the focus group findings and supports the implementation of the Strategic Transformation Plan.
Co-chair: India Pierce Lee, Chief Strategy Officer
Co-chair: Gregory Stoup, Vice President of Institutional Progress and Effectiveness
Dr. Wendy Batch-Wilson
Interim Campus President, Western
Dr. Melissa Burrows
VP, Chief Social Impact Officer
Jason Carter
VP, Legal Services and Risk Management
Jessica Colombi
ED, Public Policy and Economic Development
Jennifer Demmerle
VP, Finance and Business Services
Stephanie Faciana
Liaison, Campus and Community Relations, Western
Angela Finding
ED, Workforce Partnerships
Meagan Gibson
Liaison, Campus and Community Relations, Eastern
Magda Gomez, Ed.D.
ED, Impact and Community Connection
Alicia Grayson
Steve Griffin, Psy.D.
ACE Fellow
Ami Hollis
VP, People, Culture, Training and Development
Krystn Hood
ED, Institutional Research
Angela Johnson, Ed.D.
VP, Enrollment Management
David Kuntz
EVP, Treasurer/Administration/Finance
Scott Latiolais, Ed.D.
Campus President, Westshore
Cindy Leitson
VP, Capital, Construction and Facilities
Shana Marbury
EVP, Workforce Innovation
JaNice Marshall, Ed.D.
VP, Collegewide Access and Community Connections
Nikki Matala
Liaison, Campus and Community Relations, Westshore
Denise McCory, Ed.D.
Campus President, Metropolitan
Lisanetta McDade
Liaison, Campus and Community Relations, Metropolitan
Sandy McKnight, Ed.D.
VP, Academic and Faculty Affairs
Megan O'Bryan
VP, Development Office
Cameron Redden, Ed.D.
ED, College Initiatives and Projects
Renee Richard
Corporate College President
Claire Rosacco
VP, Government Relations and Community Outreach
Dr. Lem Stewart, Psy.D.
Bhavna Thakkar, Ph.D.
Faculty Senate
Benjamin Wilson
Deputy Chief, Police
Education Design Lab
Tri-C was recently awarded a national grant for five years of strategic plan development and implementation assistance from the Education Design Lab.
The Education Design Lab is a national nonprofit that co-designs, prototypes and tests education-to-community pathway models through an appreciative inquiry process focused on understanding learners' experiences, addressing equity gaps in higher education, and connecting learners to economic mobility.